How Storytelling Helped Me Keep a Positive Attitude During 2 Months of Self-Isolation

Three years after the world changed by a worldwide pandemic, I reflect back on the power of storytelling and how it helped me cope with two months of self-isolation in a room in London. Thanks to 55 days of daily entries, ‘The Quarantine Diaries’ became not only a book of quirky stories of a 29-year-old in her Saturn return, but also the caterpillar of the butterfly I am today. Thanks to storytelling, I discovered my true self.

It's the Lunar New Year, Should We Give A Second Chance To Our New Year's Resolutions?

We all know how hard is to survive January with a tiny bit of energy left, so what is the fuss about New Year’s resolutions? Sadly, we tend to leave them only few weeks after and this only contributes to a bigger disappointment and frustration. Nope, January is no bueno for many of us. Now that is finally February and the Lunar New Year has arrived, should we give our list another chance to mend what we didn’t achieve in January?

Disney Power.

It all began wit ¡h a mouse… and this post too. How has Disney changed throughout the years and why Snow White, Cinderella or Aurora had such limited expectations? There is an answer for that…


It’s been five years already that I live in London. I reflect on how much impact London culture has made on me and all the good things the city can bring.