Hey, Sunshine!

Welcome to

My Illustrated Thoughts!

Sit back, wear your favourite outfit, have a sip of your favourite drink and… relax!

You’re here to shine. I’m here to help.

What Makes Us Happy?

What Makes Us Happy?

Sometimes, life closes its fountain and forces us to understand the meaning of thirst.

When everything is taken away from us, thirst takes over our minds and bodies to test the limits of our patience.

And it feels like we won’t cope.

Because we don’t know when the fountain will be back to flow with running water.

And at that point, we have to choose between two ways:

Either we desperate and live in a state of constant misery, wondering when our life will be abundant again, or train our thirst by appreciating every single drop we get.

None of them are easy but at least, in the second way it gets easier to be happy in thirst and appreciate the running water when it comes back, if we’re wise enough.

I guess in that way, we are be able to find a constant source of happiness, regardless of the thirst we’re feeling.

2020 might have locked many fountains, but there are still drops in our everyday lives that keep us alive.

Funnily enough, I’ve learned that those drops were more precious than the fountain itself.

And even in the most extreme state of thirst, I felt abundant.

Life is funny sometimes.

Who Do You Celebrate?

Who Do You Celebrate?

What’s In A Reflection?

What’s In A Reflection?