Hey, Sunshine!

Welcome to

My Illustrated Thoughts!

Sit back, wear your favourite outfit, have a sip of your favourite drink and… relax!

You’re here to shine. I’m here to help.

What’s In A Reflection?

What’s In A Reflection?

Some days we might judge our reflection based on the stains of our mirror.

Sometimes we reach the point where we don’t even notice how blurry our reflection is.

We’re used to see it that way.

And our reflection blurs our mind to such extent that we think that’s our reality. That’s what we think others see.

But then, one day, we look closer. Notice the stains. And then, we take action.

We grab the wipes and the window cleaner. We wipe the stains off.

And then, we see clearly.

And then, we breathe deeper, softer.

Relieved. Our smile broadens.

We’re amazed at our reflection. We see who we are.

The good thing is that our real self never left. Our real self always had the same light. The same smile.

Reflections are mere illusions of our mind at the end of the day.

Sometimes all we need is a wipe-off to get our clarity back.

To acknowledge what everybody sees.

And be proud of it.

And one day the stains will be back. We can’t avoid that.

But by then, we’ll know they’re only stains.

And we choose to either wipe the mirror off, or remember the broad smile when we looked ourselves at our neat reflection –if we feel lazy to do a bit of clean-up.

Because at the end of the day, judging at an illusion is a bit of a nonsense.

Here’s to our real us.

What Makes Us Happy?

What Makes Us Happy?

Can An Atheist Have Hope?

Can An Atheist Have Hope?