Hey, Sunshine!

Welcome to

My Illustrated Thoughts!

Sit back, wear your favourite outfit, have a sip of your favourite drink and… relax!

You’re here to shine. I’m here to help.

Let It Out And Glow

Let It Out And Glow

Whatever it is.

The pain.

The shame.

The fear.

The tears.

The love.

Let it out.

So the pain can heal,

The shame can become determination,

The fear can turn into courage.

Let it out.

So the tears can clean,

And the love can glow.

Let it be.

Let the mess be.

Let the storm settle.

Let yourself have the time to recover.

Let it go.

To rebirth.

To embody the Phoenix you are.

And come back stronger.

Determined. Courageous.

Shining brighter than ever.

Let it out. Let it be. Let it go.

Glow as you are meant to.

Mind The Gap: How 8 Years of Living In London Transformed My Life.

Mind The Gap: How 8 Years of Living In London Transformed My Life.

I Shouldn’t Cry Because Things Are Working Out

I Shouldn’t Cry Because Things Are Working Out