Hey, Sunshine!

Welcome to

My Illustrated Thoughts!

Sit back, wear your favourite outfit, have a sip of your favourite drink and… relax!

You’re here to shine. I’m here to help.

Day 52 - Taro.


Sundays are now podcasting mornings with Hideki and we are already on the content flow. After a couple of weeks working on the engines, we’re starting to understand how our podcast works and what we want to do with it, which is great.

Finish with a good impression and we’re pretty excited with our new project. We like the message we’re spreading. It’s nice to have a fellow enthusiast for unusual things like this and make it work. We’ve planned and revisited things we wanted to improve from the first episode and we can feel the difference.

Honestly, if someone said to me three months ago that I would have managed to write a daily average of 1000 words for more than 50 days, submitted a couple of acting tapes, started a podcast, recorded a few weeks of articles and published them, started learning tarot and embraced the quirkiest part of me… I would’ve laughed and probably said, ‘sure. As if’.

I also think I wouldn’t have been ready to digest it.

Now that I think about it, it’s a similar reaction when the Mandarin assistant popped the question out ‘isn’t the school closing?’ back in February. Exactly the same laugh, and the same ‘sure, as if’.

And then life makes you think twice about that laugh, and that ‘sure, as if’. It makes you think about the urge of knowing how exactly things are going to plan out.

It’s funny how much think we know about life and the future when in reality we know nothing. We just don’t know where life might take us. Even if we plan and look for the missing pieces, and design how things would be… at the end of the day future is like a big jigsaw puzzle box. A big mess of unresolved pieces in a box.

And we don’t really know how the shapes fit until we put them on the table. Never before that. But I guess that’s the beauty of future. It never comes out as we expect, even if we thing we’ve got all the pieces.

The shape is a surprise.

Now that I’m learning tarot, I find interesting how people think it is a fortune telling tool when actually… it’s not. It just gives you a couple of pieces and a manual so you can put them together. If we don’t work on the guidance, then there’s no way to move forward. Tarot might give you some pieces of the puzzle you want, but it’s not solved. It gives you some solutions to your questions but never the outcome. At the end of the day, the outcome is up to how you work on your pieces.

Just like weather forecast, tarot cards can tell you when there are chances of rain, and whether you should wear summer clothes or an umbrella. Whether you do it or not is up to you.

But obviously, it’s much more pleasant to design the future, takes less input and effort. And if it doesn’t work out as you expect you can always blame it on the cards. “Oh, what a fraud. They told me I would find my soulmate and here I am with the same disappointment (even though I didn’t work on myself and only focused on setting external expectations)”.

I think that’s too much pressure for a weather forecast.

Sometimes we don’t need to know as much information because we’re not ready to handle it at the time being. Even though we’re desperate to know.

So I get that there’s a woo-woo and quirky element on it but in reality, reading cards is only a door to your emotional basement. And it takes guts to look at the dark answers your mind doesn’t want to face and put work and effort on them. To roll on your sleeves, grab a lantern, and face the piles of scary boxes accumulated over the years.

And finally clear space so you can move forward lighter and be prepared, without expectations.

At least that’s how I see it.

Day 53 - She Used To Be Mine.

Day 51 - She's Always A Woman.